
Intervariantparringer – rettet

Karina Annesen har holdt telefonmøde med Geert Bouckaert, FMBB

Detaljer fra FMBB-telefonmødet mellem Karina og Geert bekræftet af Geert Bouckaert:


Der er sket en fejl i kommunikationen og informationen omkring frit valg og beslutning mht intervariantparringer!! Dette forventes nu rettet officielt. For at undgå fortolkninger bringes teksten ordret:

“In the first place, the ‘VDH’ (Verein für das Deutsche Hundewesen) has send a letter to Frau Kwasniewski on 24.11.2011 concerning the cross breeding. This letter became public and is the cause of all these misunderstandings.

The correct information is taken in the FCI circular 02 – FCI Circulaire 4-2012. You should check point nr. 2.

We, as Belgian Breed Club (K.U.C.B.H.) has sent a letter to the Belgian Kennel Club (K.M.S.H.) that is owner of the standard. In this letter we asked to inform the FCI and all kennels clubs worldwide to make an extra circular in order to make sure that the correct guidelines are followed concerning cross breeding. If necessary, the FMBB will publish the guidelines on their website in consultation with the Belgian Breed Club. So, the FCI did not make the mistake, it is the VDH that wrongly let their letter go public”.

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